Thread: Red Dragon
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Old 08-21-2001, 07:24 PM   #6
Dungeon Master

Join Date: August 10, 2001
Location: Oshkosh WI
Posts: 70
Nice of you to give advice, but isn't it just as cheesy to keep a player back you intend to fight with while you draw out the wing buffet with another char that has no chance anyway? The dragon responds w/ the buffet, as in pre-determined. You know this, therefore what do you call it? Cheesy flavored un-cheese? What is the diff? Just beat the dragon anyway possible, if the designers did not want people off-ing the monsters with wands and other area effect spells why did they include them? Maybe they missed it, it does not matter. If you don't like to use it fine, but I'm calling what you suggest, Starkiller, just as cheesy.

I have no problem w/ people enjoying the game in whatever manner they choose. That is the way it is supposed to be. What I don't understand is why people get off on the "Cheese tactic" then offer up another tactic that is just as cheesy. Cheese is irrelevant.

BTW have fun, don't do what you don't want to, try every tactic till you find one that suits you. Be that cheese, fine - straight up all out fighting, fine.

Both tactics given will work, probably - I would tend to use the one that allows my ENTIRE party to take part in the fight, unless of course they can not harm the great beast. XP will be given anyway, but you have a party, use 'em all.

No disrespect intended at all to you Starkiller, you have posted great info in the past - cheers to you.
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