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Old 08-16-2001, 04:15 PM   #5

Join Date: May 17, 2001
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Ok now for the answers,
the urgent ones are help Quayle and it is considered good to get the Bohdi encounter out of the way. The easy ones are D'arnise keep if you have already finished it, find Valygar in the Umar hills, rid windspear hills of ogres and Bohdi and Gaelan Bayle.The hard ones are help Quayle and settle druid problems in Trademeet. Yeah get Jan untill you reach Imoen, he isn't that bad. If Minsc leaves Aerie will not leave and if Aerie leaves Minsc will not leave. Valygar is lethal with celestial fury and another decent Katana but since you have a kensai and a ranger I think Keldorn(the paladin) would be much better for your party as he adds dispelling powers and the ability to wield 2handed weapons to your party(coughholyavengercough). I hope that helps.

"The time to start running is around about the "e" in "Hey you!"
Sigmar, member of clan HADB
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