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Old 07-26-2001, 10:48 AM   #8
Drow Warrior

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: Ireland
Posts: 299
When I first started BG (and later TotSc) I decided to roleplay rather than powerplay. I rolled once and only once (to give the idea of being born with a unique set of stats. The role I got sucked. I still played. It was painful at first, but as I progressed, I got fairly powerful. I never achieved the godlike status of others, nor will I ever, with the character I created. I didn't do this in BG2, as I wanted to powerplay, to see how the game went. Powerplay is great fun and watching your characters deal out serious damage is neat. Yet, if I went to play the whole saga through (which I might yet), I am determined to play as I did that first time. Powerplay is fun, but roleplay is somehow a more fulfilling experience. You feel less removed from your character (as in, how many people on this board have godlike stats if you follow my logic) and when they die its way more frustrating and upsetting, as you could almost place yourself in a similar mould and see yourself dying too. Powerplaying is not that much fun, if it was then the developers would have given all the Npc's godlike stats...
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