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Old 07-26-2001, 09:01 AM   #14
Drow Warrior

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: Ireland
Posts: 299
rule of thumb, style of measurement way back when (a thumb was roughly two inches long). Also I though that the game was about balance, the whole mage v's every other class seems pointless in the extreme, I mean scroll of magic protection and what will your mage do then etc. The game is about balance, no one class can be too powerful, or two weak, each has strengths and weaknesses, or else how would you ever finish it, accept if you went as a mage. Soloplayers don'r choose mages, 'cos even at the higher levels, survival is terribly difficult with a mage, example, tough battle, you use all your magic, you try to rest, you get attacked and killed by a horde of maurading rabbits or something. In a one of battle mages are well hard, especially at later levels (not invincible mind) but only thinking in one off terms is not enough, overall as a continuing character, mages are weak and prey to a host of attacks. Mages are no better or worse than any other class of character.
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