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Old 07-25-2001, 04:10 PM   #2

Join Date: May 19, 2001
Location: Darkside of the Moon
Posts: 578
Well, in ToB mages can only reach 32nd level - but this sort of expansion talk doesn't belong here.

In my opinion mages have always and will always be the best class. In PnP I always play mages, or characters that at least have some magical abilities. In the BG series my PC is almost always a magic user in some ways, and when he/she's not I have plenty of NPC mages around to play with.

An intelligent and cunning mage can make him/herself virtually immune to everything, and have spells to combat any opponent or situation. Some people are quick to say that one such as a Monk, let's say, who has high magic resistance could crush a mage, but a monk against my mage would stand no chance: Protection from Magical Weapons would be cast first, then Dimension Door somewhere, then Lower Resistance that punk and have my way with him until I grow bored (confusing him, slowing him, lowering his intelligence to 3, poisoning him, really brutal stuff,) and blast through his chest with a lightning bolt.

Mages are the best.

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