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Old 07-26-2001, 08:50 AM   #15
Drow Warrior

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: Ireland
Posts: 299
I suppose the real problem with the monk class and what gives the whole character an oriental look is two things.

a] The appearance of the character, with the goatee, topknot and clothing.

b] The fact that the characters abilities are suspiciously like those of the Shaolin monks (stunning blow, quivering palm etc.)

I agree they seem out of place, not least because you rather suspect they should have spent years honing their abilities and then coming out and kicking butt. Also all other classes have a footing in D&D fantasy landscape, while monks (and I suppose Kensai) seem a tad out of place. Even the attempt to introduce Yoshimo jars with the overall medieval/fantasy landscape. BG & BG2 seem to have adopted some bizarre enemiesand so on, but overall I feel their well portrayed and blend in with the rest of the landscape. If your there for a true roleplaying experience, you may be disappointed (not enough fantastic creatures, too many similiarities among the vaguely human ones) but nonetheless it is an excellent game.
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