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Old 07-24-2001, 11:37 PM   #2
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: July 24, 2001
Location: USA
Posts: 15
I totally agree with you. I tried playing IWD after I beat BGII (when i was waiting for TOB to come out). It couldn't keep my interest at all. You just can't go to hugo after owning a ferrari. I think that the character interaction and romances in BGII was really what made it so much better than IWD. It's so multi-faceted, while IWD is, like you said, so linear.
I also liked the fact that in BGII you could go anywhere and take on any quest, at any time. You have the freedom to basically do whatever you want, whereas in IWD you have to follow a very specific path to complete the game.
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