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Old 07-24-2001, 08:24 PM   #7
The Magister

Join Date: July 4, 2001
Location: New York, NY, USA
Posts: 149
Ok, maybe this doesnt happen to everyone, but even with a high level party, think about how often your warriors critically miss. That is the same chance the spell has of succeeding, and as a first level spell you can memorize a bunch of them. 1 in 20 is about 1 in 7 battles if you spend just 3 slots on the spell, and only use then on difficult battles like I do. They do a little damage, not too much less than a magic missile if you are lucky and have a chance to kill outright, not bad if you ask me, especially on those annoying guys like Djinns which turn into gas and then reform with full hp when you kill them since this kills them permanently. Finally, if you store a couple in a minor spell sequencor which can only store up to 2nd level spells anyway, then right as combat starts you can do a really quick attack in addition to whatever other spell you want to cast since it is a special ability, and it will damage them, stopping any spell they are casting and have 2 5% chances to kill them. Not bad for level 1 if you ask me. Sure, its a gamble, but hey, lifes no fun if you don't roll the dice every now and then.

"Not everything ends the way you think it should"
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