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Old 07-24-2001, 09:14 AM   #1
Ode to a Grasshopper
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: June 28, 2001
Posts: 13
On the official SoA site, it says in the FAQ that Rangers can get familiars. Has anyone playing a Ranger ever got one? I don't mean the Moon Dog statue, I mean a real familiar, like the Mage can get. If so, what was it?

Do the abilities the PC gets from the Tears of Bhaal remain if the character is exported into a new game?
And what about the expansion, do you keep them in ToB?

Lastly, will patches from Baldurdash work in ToB? I know you're not supposed to import them over ToB, but if they're already there before ToB is installed will they do anything?
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