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Old 07-22-2001, 01:27 AM   #1
xavier errishae
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: July 17, 2001
Location: Rosanna, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 16
Hey all,

i am a fanatical roleplayer like you guys, i find this site to be a most rewarding and informative tome of knowledge, kudos to you.

anyway, i would like to design a new campaign and world (and computer game hopefully), sort of like a parody of Baldurs Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights and Final Fantasy VIII, if yo will, and i am at loss at what to do, should i
a) make it BG2/FFVIII style - using the BG2 engine, but in the techno-fantasy setting of FFVIII.
or b) FFVIII/BG2 - using the FFVIII engine and using the FFVIII setting
or c)include the best aspects of all of these games.

i am thinking of names
eg detnemed for the world (spell it backwards, hint hint)
Pax Discriminis (a city)
and others

oh yeah, any new classes, kit, place names, deities will be greatly appreciated, i will include your names in the credits.

ps do you guys think this sort of game will sell.

pps what about insult word fighting, any suggestion?

my email is
Simon Hsu c ya
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