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Old 07-21-2001, 12:54 PM   #2

Join Date: May 19, 2001
Location: Darkside of the Moon
Posts: 578
Well, there's lots of issues with Jaheira's romance. Firstly, have you done the bandit stuff? If you don't know what I mean go sleep outside somewhere and you'll see.

The romances are triggered by real-time (except a few dialogs for each of the ladies that's triggered by stopping to rest) not game-time. This means that it usually takes around 30 minutes real time of playing for one of the ladies to pipe up. However, Jaheira's dialogs are far slower, happening usually about every hour real time. You can get a patch from Baldurdash that fixes the Jaheira romance problems (it's called the Improved Jaheira Romance Patch.)

It sounds like you proceeded through the game too quickly to let her romance begin. Technically, the romance is happening, but she's not quite "your" woman until you make it through the WHOLE harper charade, which is long. If you've just recently been approached by Reviane for the first time then you still have a significant amount of harper bullsh*t to deal with.

The whole Bodhi thing is not absolutely crucial to the romance story. Basically you just see one extra set of dialog from your lover that he/she says after ressurecting them. I suppose you could start a romance after Bodhi, but I wouldn't much see the point 'cause by this point the game is nearing its end.

Hope this all makes sense, the only real advice for anyone having Jaheira problems is to download the patch from Baldurdash.

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