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Old 08-14-2001, 06:13 PM   #166
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: NC
Age: 38
Posts: 2,890
Skye hears one of the Salamanders down the hall make a sudden hiss. A conversation can be heard. Suddenly, the Salamader screams, "IN.." It never has the chance to finish. A sudden explosion heats up the room which Skye is bound to. Thinking to herself, Skye wonders if the party has finally arrived. One of the Salamanders rushes into the room, and unbounds Skye. He jabs a short sword to her back, and tells her to "Move." A shadow comes into view down the corrider, and the beast yells, "Come no closser, or your friend getss it!" In an instant, the sword to Skye's back drops, and the Salamander falls to the floor. Skye turns around to see an arrow latched into the monster's head. Rhazor comes into view from the shadows, and tells Skye to follow him. "The rest of the party is close by, Lord Shield has some business he must adhire to, but for now we must get you to safety."
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