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Old 08-13-2001, 04:57 PM   #149
Ace Flashheart

Join Date: July 13, 2001
Location: Manchester, England
Posts: 215
Taking a firm grip on his rune axes the anti-paladin takes careful aim as a group of harpies fly low overhead.


There is shimmer in the air as the two axes spin towards their targets sending a maticor and two harpies (or at least most of them) hurtling towards the ground.

"Yup", said the warrior flexing his muscles as his axes ruterned to him with a flash, "still got it. Now... how to climb a mountin in full platemail."

Sighing deeply the black clad knight started his slow acent to the top.

[This message has been edited by Ace Flashheart (edited 08-13-2001).]
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