Thread: Damned Kangaxx
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Old 07-18-2001, 10:57 PM   #3
The Black Panda
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: July 18, 2001
Location: La Crescenta
Posts: 32
whoa...thats a lot of stuff
I just recently fought (and kicked major ass) against kangaxx. The first form isn't that hard and i just fought head to head with him with my kensai warrior, occasionally having the party jump out of his prison to rest up and save. the first form probably isn't the problem though...

the demilich form is damn hard. What i did though should work pretty fine. Right after your party kills 1st form, wait like 2 seconds for the demilich to appear and say his stuff....then HIGH TAIL it back out for rest. Then I had a mage cast the spell "spell imunity" and chose the abjuration class. This will make the mage immune to *ALL* the imprisonment spells the guy has to offer. I then sent in my party back in, with the magician closest to the demilich when the arrive (for this to happen, try tweaking your party order so that he's closest). Kangaxx will spew his spells endlessly to no avail while some +4 guy whacks him to oblivion! btw, make sure you guys back out, rest, and do it again when kangaxx reads "injured" because the damage against the guy only is +2 or +3 each round and the spell can wear off.

As for not rejoining your party after a freedom spell...well, who wouldn't be pissed off spending some time down under in a lil cage? haha
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