Thread: Advice
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Old 07-18-2001, 10:12 AM   #8
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: July 5, 2001
Location: Ft. Myers, FL., USA
Posts: 33
To Altranan:

You are right about the tactics being different between BG1 and BG2. In BG2 missile attacks are not that important, (unless you're an Archer ) but in BG1 missile attacks were definately the way to go. Melee in BG1 is much more difficult, due to the fact that your character/party start at level 1 and advancement is rather slow.

So, I would definitely go missile based on most of the party. My party consisted of Khalid, Jaheira, Kivan, Minsc, Dynaheir and myslef. I played through BG1 with several different classes and races, but the best (for BG1) were humans. I would either play a Human Mage or a Human Fighter. It all depends on whether you want to be in the front or in the back.

To Seid:

BG1 may not be up to par with BG2 as far as the graphics and sound, you are right about that. But, if you've never played through BG1 even once, I don't think you really get the feel for the life you are supposed to have led up to the point of waking up in Irenicus' dungeon. Which is a shame, because you really had a lot of good times. On top of that, how can you feel on way or the other about Sarevok in TOB, if you didn't face him in BG1?

Not to mention, the great joy (roleplaying wise) of raising a character from level 1 to ........ well, I don't want to spoil TOB for ya', so I'll stop there.

Damn! All this talk about BG1 has made me miss it. Now I'm gonna have to go start a new character and take him through all three games.


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