Thread: Aerie... gay?!
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Old 07-10-2001, 11:53 PM   #11
The Magister

Join Date: March 10, 2001
Location: Brazil, IN USA
Age: 55
Posts: 126
I had the same dialog pop up with Aerie telling Minsc how great his hair looks...had this happen about three diffrent ways.

1st time Aerie went on about how Minsc hair is great, and Minsc made Aerie his new witch.
2nd time Aerie went on about how Minsc hair is great, and Jaheria said dang it girl, quit being in heat when we have a battle brewing (well okay, it wasn't those exact words but she got the point across that you could die at anytime, and stop looking for cuddle time in battle).
3rd time Aerie went on about how Minsc hair is great, and Jaheria jumps on her, and then Nalia jumps on Jaheria, then Aeire snipes at Jaheria... by then I was thinking of going the all male route...

For a really neat time, get Nalia, Vic, Aerie, Mazzy, and Jaheria all in your party, lol, and watch the fur fly!

Drink and be merry
"Renegade, Rebel, and Rogue"
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