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Old 07-05-2001, 01:28 PM   #18
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: June 28, 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 26
FYI, (this isnt really a spoiler), but if you install ToB, they change the Cloak of no longer does back to source, but 'reflects spells away from the target'

So basically it gives him 100% MR...still lets you get a tank in to hackn'slash away

Good Luck!

Sagath Steelblade. 26th Fighter, LG
Gilimi Silverwing, 27th Monk, LG

Jan: Greetings, Everyone. Sorry, no gifts or souvenirs this time but I'll keep you all in mind the next time I'm gone. Oh, Keldorn: the gods say 'Hi' and that you should wash your underwear more thoroughly. Everyone ready? Let's go adventuring.
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