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Old 06-25-2001, 10:08 AM   #11
Dungeon Master

Join Date: March 25, 2001
Location: detroit,michigan,usa
Posts: 60
Anomen is way way way better than that *&%!!# Jahiera!!! Once he passes his test he settels down nicely. I have him weild double maces. He has a low dex so I gave him gauntlets of Dex with his armor he is AC-6. He is ++++ in mace and + in two weapon style. I plan to increase these in ToB, when i get it. His THAC0 is 3 and 5 i think. although these are no where near as low as my fighters its getting there and in four or five more levels (in ToB)he will be a very deadly weopon indeed (not saying he is not now) SO LEAVE HIM ALONE! How could anybody in thier right mind pice that %^&#@ Jaheria over Anomen? Remember that &*(%$ Jaheria is a harper and they would love to see you DEAD DEAD DEAD!!! remember?
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