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Old 06-22-2001, 11:30 AM   #1
Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil

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As, The lord of evil sips some Heaven's merlot, he thinks, How am I, Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil, going to conquer Tethyr, and to take out Karrax, the evil godlike warrior of the south west, and his acomplices, (sp?) Moratul, The Great Wizard,
(actually a lich) Konos, Revered Thief Of Karrax (they share a domain), and StormTalon, the living emboidment of Talos, lord of storms.
Their great armies, which can ultimatly take over the FR, were composed of the divisions.

Moratul's Forces
Warrior Magi- The awsome fighter mages, that ride on nightmares (chaotic evil to lawful evil) with spears of atleast +1 enchantment. they wear Elven Chain,
and have access to upto lvl 7 spells.

Konos's Guild
Elite Assasin: These guys, are the elite of the elite (by assassin standards)
with +1 katanas and wahzashis(sp?)

StormTalon's Might
Elite Storm Barbarian: Barbarian storm warriors that generally have +3 or better maces, hammers, and axes.
Storm Elementals: this power was given to Storm Talon when just an ininshiate (sp?) and are alot more powerful then lowly air elementals. They can cast Fury of Talos by a 3rd lvl priest of talos.
Fury of Talos: If this spell is cast at level 1, it does Crushing and Bludgeoning damage of 1D30. If this spell is cast at max levels, it will do 10/10 damage.

Karrax's Fleet Of Vile and Evil Beings
Soldier: Has +2 short sword, with chainmail.
Archer: Has Arrows Of Biting, and leather armor with +1 long bow
Guardian: Heavely armored mutant of Karrax's Army. These, weapons of destruction, come with 4 large claws on each of its two arms, which can tear a dragon limb from limb in seconds. They are basically undead UmberHulks, with hulking claws.
Grand Super Guardian: Ohhh..... this guy means DEATH........ There is only 2 to an attack force, and for good reason, because they are hard to upgrade regular guardians to Grand Super Guardians. These guys are SO tough, even lesser gods have trouble. They have a powerful Optic Blast, which does about 200 damage per blast. their regular attacks are ungodly, and they're NASTY!
They can sacrifice themselves (5+ or more depending on the strength of this creature) to be a......... YuoOniGarado, a think you dont say, "Hey big butt, U SUCK!" to. Their Grand Optic Blast does about 460 damage a blast for each thing affected (unless we have mirror weapons to deflect most of it) and shoots cloud kill spores which, can home on target.

Gwhanos, is training hard to be the best. He'd summon Great Wyrms, and spar with three at once! Being a Sorceror that can use Murderor: The Improved Black Razor, he hacked, and spelled his way thru!