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Old 06-22-2001, 08:02 AM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: June 14, 2001
Posts: 12
looking for a good party a nuetral part and an evil party
Good Evil Nuetral
Cleric (Me) thief Shapeshifter
Aerie korgan Jan
keldorn Edwin Keldorn
minsc keldorn (op alin helm) Mazzy
hear dalis Viconia Nalia
Nalia Jan aerie

Now the parties (nuetral especially) as sort of weak overall. i would love any helpful suggestions any one out there might make. also is there a use for haer dalis or whatever his name is that I'm missing out on? Cause thus far he's been, (to use the newly developing vernacular) the weakest link. So people, take pity on a poor LaX semi-jock new to the gaming scene and HELP! I emplore you!!!! Have a pleasant day
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