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Old 06-24-2001, 02:24 PM   #274
The Magister

Join Date: April 7, 2001
Location: Florida,USA
Posts: 111
The Paladin awakens in the dank cell and makes a quick inventory of his possessions. He notes that his Holy Avenger is gone ,cries briefly,he still has his armor,the ring of Gaxx,and his pouch made from the scrotum of John Irenicus.
His hand finds one more thing snugged into the back of his belt, Crom Feyr.
"I am armed and amored,by Helm, there is yet hope". Reasoning that other prisoners might be incarcelled nearby. He smacks a nearby block to see if he might signal another and thereby begin plotting their excape. Comr Feyr strikes the block ripping it free from the mortar and sending it flying across the adjoining cell to ricochet off the wall. Screams and curses are heard from the hole.
"Hello and well met?",calls out the Paladin hopefully..

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