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Old 06-23-2001, 10:58 PM   #261
Silver Dragon

Join Date: June 21, 2001
Location: Oakton, VA (summer) Boston, MA (...not summer...)
Age: 37
Posts: 1,652
OK! I am in a bad mood! I have a huge hangover, I lost at cards to a sword , and I just lost all the kalimari that I just ate, due to my stupid motion sickness! Argh! And not only that, I ran out of my favorite nail polish! I have to... go hurt someone... or something... and get over this crisis! (*sob*)
Skye runs out, bashing every native to the planet Titan in sight.
Good. I feel better now. Ack! Wah! Get out of my way! I'm always tripping over you!
Wah is seen flying through the air, and disapears into the distance. "AAAAAaaaahhhh..."
Skye trudges (sp?) back to the bar.
A round of beers, and make it snappy. Mel? you wouldn't happen to have some spare nail polish handy, now would you? Oh, and I think I could use some chips and dip right about now. I need to calm down.

OOC- What didja expect me to say? I am a girl u know... we do like to talk bout makeup an stuff sometimes, its a fact of life! Skye is over her "mid life crisis" now though. LOL ^_^;;

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