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Old 06-20-2001, 08:15 AM   #103

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Originally posted by Neb:
A ship that can only hardly be recognised as once being an Illithid ship pulls up next to the Bar and hangs on with grappling hooks, it's covered in graffiti, dead Knights of Solamnia(In full plate mail), swords, dead drow, beer kegs, a dead young blue dragon taking up most of the deck and random souvenirs from Krynn and various other worlds, there's also a smell of fried squid rising from the ship's galley along with rude songs.
~Melusine flutters up to the deck of the ship to see what's going on in there~

Melusine, High Queen of Fluffies, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar

Your voice is ambrosia
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