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Old 06-16-2001, 02:55 PM   #3

Join Date: April 6, 2001
Location: the desert
Posts: 2,296
you're doing very well. you should be able to deal with chapter 2 easily if you keep taking every quest that comes your way. you will want to get out of ch. 3 with as much experience as you can possibly get.

i am in Chapter 2, having just finished the Slaver's Quest and am going to meet Nalia. there's prolly close to another 20 or so quests to do. (chapter 2 is the longest chapter, with kajillions of quests). just a hint, as a warrior, you are definitely gonna want to take on Nalia's quest! the reward is out of this world! *smiles*

Vesselle (Wizard Slayer) Lvl 9
Korgan (Berserker) Lvl 9
Yoshimo (Bounty Hunter) Lvl 11
Minsc (Ranger) Lvl 9
Jaheira (Figher/Druid) Lvl 8, 10
Aerie (Cleric/Mage) Lvl 8, 9

so... very close. i think you are exactly where you need to be. don't forget to talk to everyone!!! there are kajillions of quests to be had, and a lot of them are at the Copper Coronet, just waiting to talk to you.

good work!


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