Thread: Tactical Tips
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Old 06-16-2001, 09:00 AM   #1

Join Date: April 28, 2001
Location: Cambridge
Age: 41
Posts: 3,877
I don't know if you know all of these but for people who are new here are tips on battles.

1/ against a very tough Fighter: If the combined team can’t take on this fighter even using magic, then use this tactic.
Have your mage on stoneskin and fireshield. Go in and attract this fighter’s attention. The fighter hiting a mage with stoneskin is the same as a goblin really. Whilst the rest of your fighters will smash him in without getting hurt. Have lots of stoneskins ready! Ofcourse you can hit and run but if anyof you played IWD, you’ll know what I am talking about……some time there is NO WHERE to RUN.

2/against mage/lich. Your approach with mages should be lots of non-stop mini damage. Such as poison.
Poison and such will disrupt a mage badly as with insect swarm. As soon as the mage is not taking are doomed. You must cast breach non-stop and truesight as well. Any stun or fear effects must be removed ASAP with dispel magic.

3/ Dragons: Dragons have a horde of spells, but because they can attack, they don’t really get to use a lot of it’s decent spells. Therefore the more you drag out the fight the worse it is. Go for kill as fast as possible.
Lower it’s resistance and go in with fast never miss spells like magic missile.

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