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Old 06-16-2001, 02:13 PM   #7
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 29, 2001
Location: harwood, md.
Posts: 381
Yep if you read the website, they said they are going to have some major foes in the Throne of Baal, and that with constant play you are going to level up extremely fast, sometimes one level every 2 hours.
SO look forward to some high level monster bashing, I doubt there will be alot of quest type stuff with the addon, probably more maniac fighting than anything else, along with new magic items.
SO forget your little quests, those are for kids. Look for some hectic battles against who knows what. Timestopping mages, Deadly assassins, Multiple liches? I'd guess many many demons and dragons, and who knows what else. I'm sure your going to be up against some level 40 thieves trying to backstab you, and level 30 mages and what not.

I hear the first battle you get into with throne of Baal is the low end of the addon, and that battle starts with multiple vampires and more. There ain't no gnolls and orcs and goblins in Throne of Baal. The vampire is the low end of the totem pole.
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