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Old 06-17-2001, 10:14 AM   #24
Dungeon Master

Join Date: June 13, 2001
Location: Austin, TX, U.S.A
Posts: 57
I have a question.. Since the rules of BG2 are based on AD&D Ruels 2nd Edition.. is there some sort of thing on theiveing from stors or something like that in thoses rules and what skills does it check if successful.. but ive never played dungeons and dragons..(EVER) so i might just be being a fool and there is no such thing.. but maby the armor does effect your success some.. or maby its a bug.. im going to go to that site (Baldurdash) and D/L some of his stuff in hopes maby he fixed a prob. with theiveing or something... i dont know.. its just frusterateing.. But some one wrote that they could sell stuff back to the fatso? How did you do that? WHen i have had stolen items i couldn't sell them at all... to any one... could that be a glitch?

Yeah, Yeah Yeah I know I can't Spell. So don't ask me what I just wrote!!

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