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Old 06-15-2001, 04:56 AM   #33
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
Posts: 11,771
Originally posted by jabidas:
Oh dont misunderstand me im all for banning the creepy weirdo but I dont agree with spamming him in the hope to geting his ISP to ban him or posting his personal information. Trolls like this gimp should be banned and left alone then, not continuing the war.

Jabidas, you're entitled to your own opinion. So are we. And read the title of Ziroc's post before you pass judgment on us we're not spamming him or emailing him. I'm not going to waste any time typing out an email to him. We are emailing his ISP with letters of complaint about the types of activities he has been up to on our forum, the same way you would complain to a taxi company if the driver did not follow your instructions and was rude and abrasive. ISPs disallow this type of behaviour in their Terms and Conditions (I'm moving to Telstra so I know their Terms and Conditions).

With respect to continuing the war...what war? There's no war. The person now banned was previously banned last year for posts that were significantly worse than what you saw, which were direct attacks on other posters here. HE made the decision to come back and continue. Like I said before, you don't know the history so you can't make a value judgment on why we decided to do what we did.

Finally - I know this guy was posting from a school computer lab and I have the name of the IT department head of his school. I won't do anything with it but if he comes back and continues this type of disruptive behaviour, I will.

However, your comments and perspective are always appreciated, mate.


[This message has been edited by Memnoch (edited 06-15-2001).]
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