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Old 06-13-2001, 01:28 AM   #12
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 29, 2001
Location: harwood, md.
Posts: 381
The Helm isn't the only thing a mage can wear, Mages can use ION stones as headgear.

What equiptment you wear varies from person to person, and from stats. One Paladin isn't quite like the next, so one paladin might wear one thing, one might wear something else. I can tell you what my paladin wears.

I rolled my paladin with 12 strength and 18 wisdom. That way I can wear a Belt of hill giant strength and still have 18 wisdom on a Paladin. I roleplay him as the Lord of Morning worshipper of the Sun God. He's a Paladin who uses wisdom in conjunction with his great fighting skills. My prime stat for him? Charisma.

Plate mail of Balduran, Holy Avenger sword, Carries the Rose longsword for talking/shopping, Amulet of 5% MR, Helm of Glory, Ring of Gaxx, etc.
I want my Paladin to light up the area when he comes in. His charisma approaches Godlike in the regular rules for D%D, people do what he says, evil shudders at his voice. With his equiptment his Charisma is 24 in normal conversations.

My monk has Gloves of crushing, Cloak of the sewers, Ring of protection +2, ION stone (+1AC), Amulet of 10% MR, Ring of earth control. All these give him a -9 AC, and almost 75% magic resistance. He rocks.

My fighter/cleric has Helm of balduran, Gorgon platemail, boots of avoidance, gauntlets of weapon expertise, girdle of stone giant strength, cloak of mirrors, Him and my Paladin are the front line fighters, I want them to survive melee combat.

Other guys have other things.

My mage is a Kensai/mage. He uses 2 katanas (celestial fury and Dar'kan's blade, wears robe of Vecna, ring of wizardry, ring of acuity, Ion stone (10%hp), amulet of power, boots of speed, robe of reflection, belt of piercing. can't remember what gauntlets if any.
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