Thread: AD&D Rules
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Old 06-13-2001, 09:28 AM   #8

Join Date: June 1, 2001
Location: North Bay,Ontario,Canada
Posts: 177
3E rules are changes forthe sake of changes. 2E rules actually made sense, and actually covered a lot of what 3E does. A lot (not all) of the people who prefer 3E just like it b/c it gives the illusion that they have more power, or freedom of choice. Sur there is no limit on how many hpyou can ; but now dragons easily haveover 500hp. Ridicilous to say the least. Dragons used to be extremely tough, now they are darn near impossible. Now I probably will never use a dragon (unless it's a baby) b/c the PCs won't have a chance against it - espicially since the oldest ones can cast spells as a 19th lvl sorcerer. Hello? Dragon casts time stop = death. BTW:2ndE had kits which were really well done.

BTW: This doesn't mean I hate 3E. In fact, I own the PHB, DMG, MM, FRCS, and the FRCS. Now, I just have to get people to want to try it out.

The biggest difference is that 2E is geared towards role-playing; while 3E is geared towards power-gaming.

End of rant. Peace out.

"That didn't hurt!" - Volourn Honourblade after the red dragon breathed on him for 75% of his hp.
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