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Old 06-06-2001, 10:35 PM   #1
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Join Date: June 6, 2001
Location: Moreland Hills OH, USA
Posts: 2
OK, here is what happened. in the beginning of Chapter 6, when I finish talking to Elhan, and a harper name Raveine (I might spell it wrong, sorry), begin to question Jaheira about what she did in Harper's hold......And then he turn hostile on me, I wish to fight him, but I see that Elhan turn hostile on me, too, so I just put haste on everyone, and run away. Now, I kill Bodhi, and got what I need to get, but when I come back to Elhan, I discover taht Raveine is still there, and everyone is still hostile on me. Can you tell me how to deal with this? Thank you very much.

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