Thread: Firkraag...
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Old 06-13-2001, 06:25 PM   #16
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 29, 2001
Location: harwood, md.
Posts: 381
A great way to beat up on a dragon LOL.

Of course, I start the battle by casting magic resistance on the dragon, to lower his. Then A Nice Insect Plague spell works wonders. The dragon can't cast spells in it, the dragon takes 1 damage every 2 seconds, AND most of the time the dragon runs in fear because of the swarm.

I kill that red dragon that way every time. My warriors are hitting it, my mages are magic missiling it, and my clerics give it nice summoned monsters to hit.
I always have my clerics put fire resistance on all my people before hand. The dragon usually only gets one chance at a fire breath before he dies, so that initial protection makes sure my guys don't get toasted by 60-100+ damaing breath.
And magic missile spell sequencers work wonders! You'll throw a zillion magic missiles at the dragon, it will look like a pincushion when you are done.

So want to see a scared dragon, just cast magic resistance on it, then start the battle by insect plaqueing it (if you have a druid). Youll grin in victory.
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