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Old 06-05-2001, 06:40 PM   #43
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 28, 2001
Location: memphis,tn
Posts: 375
a slight mix of both. in PnP (which, i dont know the translation of but i assume means "live" role playing as opposed to a computer game) i always go for role playing, refusing to use items or tactics that are out of character. as much as i can i try to carry that over to crpg's as well, such as my fighter/thief not weilding celestial fury because it's definitely not a quiet weapon (boots of stealth and a sword that goes boom, hahaha). i give stats that make sense, such as high dex for elves and thieves (basically if there's an 18 or 19 anywhere at all it's only in the prime req(s) of the class). while role playing a cleric with a 14 wisdom would be fun PnP, there's no rp'ing him in a crpg so why not take the bonus spells with a higher stat.

in crpg's i always play through a few times without cheats and never use lame tactics (even if my main character can take out the entire enemy, how would this make the others feel? just because it's not scripted doesn't mean you can't play it that way.) later games i try to get as many party combinations as possible as their interactions are the only true fun once the battles have been figured out.

once the game has almost worn itself out, i go into total hack mode for a final romp. this usually involves changing a few npc stats and classes though within reason.

it's not too subjective, but i hope that the powergamers stay offline when nwn comes out. we already have diablow2 for that stuff. holy avenger/+2 plate and the imagination of a pebble... i'm not impressed.
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