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Old 06-05-2001, 04:09 PM   #42

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When rolling ones charecter the nearest you cna get to Pnp is to just accept the stats as they come to you and not modify them at all. THay makes for a little more intersting playing as you have to think about their attributes and whats most important etc.

Ooooh! Ooooh! An elf! Are you a Bladesinger? Can you wield two weapons at the same time? Can you dodge Fireballs and sleep upside-down in trees? Ooooh! Ooooh! Tell me you can

Grrrr. GRRRRR. NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO! Why does everyone keep asking me that!? Answer me, Corellon... why do I always have to get the idiots?

Yeah? I'm an idiot? Well... you're a little pointy-eared tree-hugger! Elfy!. Ha! Yeah! How do you like THAT, Mister Elfy Elf-Face? Farewell... elfy.