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Old 06-02-2001, 03:11 AM   #3
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
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Here you go.

Ring of Winter
The Ring of Winter appears as a simple band of gold sparkling with frost along the edges. When first held it burns the flesh with intense cold and vibrates with power. Unless the Ring is in contact with living flesh, it slowly covers whatever it touches with frost, out to a 5-foot radius. It emits a fierce blue radiance when in the presence of magic working against it.

All that is known for certain about the Ring of Winter has been gleaned from ancient histories. It was forged by a mage of staggering power (some say Azuth before he became a god) and kissed by Auril at a time when the countries that now make up the Realms were little more than scattered villages. Regardless of its origin, the Ring of Winter has always been object of fascination and desire for those who seek to do great good or great evil in Faerûn.
Lord Dhalmass Rayburton of Cormyr found the Ring in the vicinity of present-day Shadowdale over a millennium ago. He used the Ring for several years in the Forest Kingdom before hastily departing for the jungles of Chult, from whence he never returned. Countless adventurers searched for the Ring over the intervening centuries before it was rediscovered. Notable among them in recent times were Gareth of Waterdeep, Kelemvor Lyonsbane, Cyric of Zhentil Keep, and Princess Alusair Nacacia.
In the Year of the Wyvern (1363 DR), Artus Cimber found the Ring in the temple of Ubtao in the city of Mezro in the jungles of Chult. He used it to help defeat an army of goblins led by the Cult
of Frost who were attacking Mezro in order to capture the Ring. Artus later returned to Cormyr with his new lady love, Alisanda Rayburton, daughter of Lord Rayburton and bara of Ubtao, and the pair have been quietly adventuring in the Heartlands ever since.

Campaign Use
The Ring of Winter is a powerful artifact of legend, and news of its rediscovery spread like wildfire throughout Faerûn. It is far too powerful to give to player characters, but they may cross paths with Artus Cimber during their adventures. Every power-hungry wizard or sinister organization in the Realms is likely to send their agents after the Ring, and Artus may need help fending off their attacks.

To command the Ring, a being must wear it. The Ring of Winter has an initiative modifier (casting time) of 4.
Constant. The Ring augments the powers of all other magical items that remain within 20 feet of it for more than 10 days as adjudicated by the DM. The longer the exposure, the more the powers
While wearing the Ring, the bearer does not age, effectively conferring immortality if the Ring is never taken off.
Invoked. The Ring can alter the climate in large areas, plunging temperatures below freezing and creating large amounts of ice and snow. It can emit a triple-sized wall of ice in a round, raise a pillar
of ice 10 feet across that rises 40 feet upward per round, or spray paralyzing frost on all beings within a 60-foot-radius sphere in a round. (Flight is impossible for frost-sprayed beings, and all movement in the radius of effect is cut to a third of normal rate.)
The Ring can also bring an ice sphere into being around an item or creature. This sphere transfers protective warmth to the interior while emitting intense cold from its exterior with effects equal to a
cone of cold on all beings within 10 feet of the outer surface. The sphere is AC 4 and can withstand 56 points of damage in one place before shattering. It suffers double damage from all heat and flame related attacks.
The Ring can also create ice spikes 10 feet tall, heal its wielder, fashion animated, creature like constructs of ice (including flying ice “birds” large enough to carry man-sized beings aloft in their claws), and emit large and powerful arms of ice that can grip or strike with the same power as a Bigby’s crushing hand.
The Ring can freeze even enchanted beings to brittle solidity if it can envelop them in ice. One blow shatters and slays such a trapped creature, but the process of envelopment takes 1d3+1
rounds, and if any magic strikes the ice during this time, it falls away and the process must begin again.
The Ring can shatter metal with its cold or create ice armor in precise areas and amounts, fashioning manacles, shields balanced to a particular user, or collars. The wielder can create a rapier, dagger, or other piercing weapon of ice (equal to the normal weapon, save that all damage is increased by 1d4 points due to chilling cold) or conjure icy gusts of wind that can pick up and hurl man-sized or smaller beings around. With some practice, the Ring-wearer can fashion slippery ice sheets to aid in moving stone blocks or create ice pillars, braces, and even stairs.
Curse. The “curse of the Ring” is a myth long associated with the Ring of Winter. Those who quest for the Ring are often visited by disaster in some form or other, although this is more a function of
their hearts than any magic of the Ring.
When worn, the Ring gives its bearer visions of its effects, tempt- ing its wearer with scenes of unbridled power. (A favorite image is the bearer clad in translucent ice armor, which is presented as an invincible defense.) However, the Ring serves only the powers of good—if used for evil ends, it twists its wielder’s intent to bring down disaster. For example, when Lord Rayburton tried to use the Ring to frighten a rival Cormyrean nobleman into allowing him to perform an archeological dig on the noble’s property, the Ring buried the entire village and the nobleman’s estate in ice, killing
everyone for miles around.

Suggested Means
of Destruction
• The Ring of Winter must be melted down in the heart of the sun of Realmspace.
• The Ring must be baked in the heart of Kossuth, chilled in the depths of Istishia, crushed beneath the fist of Grumbar, and its shattered remnants scattered by the winds of Akadi.
• The Ring must be used to encase the entire planet of Abeir-Toril (seas and all) in an ice age, at which point it shatters, its power exhausted.

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