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Old 06-01-2001, 04:52 PM   #5

Join Date: March 14, 2001
Location: boston, ma, us
Posts: 164
i think the main reason you see so many magic items in the game is that the computer can't make the decision of what items to include, with the very specific weapon prof's the game designers had to try their best to get a good balance of itmes in the game, how much would it suck to choose clubs as your char's main weapon only to find out there are monsters you can't kill b/c you chose a stupid weapon.

granted the field is pretty thin at club, flail, katana, ect but they tried (and did a pretty good job) of covering all bases.

result - > too much magic compared to a pnp campaign, but i think it's pretty cool that you are not forced to pick certain weapon proff's due to lack of choice.
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