Thread: Totemic Druids
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Old 06-01-2001, 11:30 AM   #2
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: May 22, 2001
Location: Recife, PE, Brazil
Posts: 39
i played the irenicus dungeon with one. The summoned spirits are pretty good. Thy killed everybody in the dungeon, including the golens. I just don't know if the other monster later in the game are to powerfull to them.

Spirit Snake - good atack and can poison anemy 2 pts of poiseon damege very fast.
Spirit Lion - A damn good fighter 1015 pts of damage.
Spirit Wolf - soso atack plus ice damage and can crack oponnebtes in zilions of pieces (altough they don't leave any item behond)
Spirit??? I forgot the last one...
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