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Old 06-05-2001, 01:06 PM   #191
The Magister

Join Date: May 24, 2001
Location: canada
Posts: 125
After getting a room for the night Madmartigan comes running downstairs...and yelps, more like barks...
"Omg why in gods name do I have a 9 Inch horn sticking out of my left eyebrow and I seem to have grown a 29 inch third leg!!!! and and my poor boots(of speed) i can't wear them anymore, noooooooo, my feet have turned into hooves!!"
Looks over see's Keldorn polishing his firecam armor. Goes up to Keldorn.
"Hey mr.pally look what's happened to me! I think i am being transformed into some kind of demon/devil, this isnt fair, I am not in Barovia anymore, Strahd can't experiment on me anymore! then why gods why is this happening!"
Keldorn replies "uhhh hey yer that thief from yesterday, blast man yer not looking so hot today, what's that thing in yer pants, uhh nevermind, get out of my face"
Madmartigan looks at Keldorn with despair, then walks Out!!!
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