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Old 05-28-2001, 02:28 AM   #2
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 3,537
Originally posted by boofhead:
Hi All,

Jan died and I resurected him. This happened in the second area of the unseeing eye quest, near hte bridge. For the life of me I can't find his dropped items, so he has nothing whatsoever on him. I have moved the mouse all over the place and can find nothing. Is there a trick so I can get it all back?
Well, items WILL disappear on the ground if you leave them around for a bit too long......but you can always use either ShadowKeeper to add the items in your inventory OR enable cheat and use the CreateItem command to create your lost items.

Long live H22A1!!!!!
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