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Old 05-23-2001, 08:18 AM   #31
Lord Shield

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Please, Mnemoch, no profanities here. I agree with you on the matter, but he's after facts
Elminster is a powerful character. 25th level Fighter/Mage/Thief, 27(or 29th) level wizard, main character in books such as "Making of a Mage". Ed Greenwood created him. He cannot die unless his tower is destroyed. He is the chosen of Mystra (goddess of Magic) who gave him a CON of 25 (most of us just get underwear or something for our birthdays). He also has huge psionic range
Part of the Forgotten Realsm licence is Greenwood's insistence that Elminster must NOT die. I'll leave you to make your own conclusions about this. He also herds goats for a hobby and smokes a pipe.

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp