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Old 05-22-2001, 02:56 AM   #24
Dungeon Master

Join Date: May 1, 2001
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Posts: 97
If you wish to play the game as a truly evil character, prepare to be disappointed. The designers put little effort into making the game playable as an evil party, and it is definitely less rewarding when it comes to experience and items.

Of the NPC's that can join your party, only 3 of 16 are evil, and most of the "neutral" NPC's behave like good aligned characters.

If you attack the guarded slaver compound, you walk out with celestrial fury, nice armor, multiple quality helms, potions, and other goodies. However, if you are evil, and piss off the Radiant Heart, you get squat when you whipe out their compound.
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