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Old 05-20-2001, 11:45 AM   #12

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Originally posted by Tom:

He is a awesome thief.(and a bit humorous)

LOL!!!That last part must be the understatement of the year! (I wish Armisael could read it )Seriously, two paladins is a bit on the heavy side, you could lose Keldorn. Don't ditch Jaheira!!! I don't know what you used her for Neb, but I have two words for you: Insect Plague. Not to mention Creeping Doom at high levels! She is simply indispensable, with a good shield and armour I used her in the front lines, and she was as tough as any fighter, and her spells kick ass as well. Jan IMHO is a decent character too, his only weakness is his low strength, but a major plus is his extra spell per level from his specialisation.

Melusine, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar

Your voice is ambrosia
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