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Old 05-18-2001, 06:08 PM   #1
Dungeon Master

Join Date: March 6, 2001
Posts: 50
After having completed BG2 with my role-playing character (dual-classed female elf fighter/mage), I'm ready to play again but from a power-gaming angle. I was curious to open a debate about what is the ideal power-gaming character. I've heard a lot about the kensai/mage combo (dual at 10 or 12 kensai?) as well as other power-gaming models, and would love to hear people's opinions. I understand the response is somewhat affected by who else is in your party. To add a little specificity, I'm going to play from the evil angle this time, so will have an evil & neutral party (Korgan, Edwin, Jan, Viconia...?). Please feel free to debate either to my evil-situation or to a party agnostic scenario. I am also looking down the road to the Throne of Bhaal expansion and the additional character development possible at those levels.

Let the debate begin! Thanks for the insight!
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