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Old 05-17-2001, 06:38 PM   #10
Lord Shield

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Fljotsdale:
Er.. let us be reasonable here. Viconia is an EVIL aligned person. Drizzt is GOOd aligned. ANY Paladin worth his salt will destroy evil and defend good. So, naturally, if his team try to kill a good-aligned person, the Paladin will view that team as EVIL and will support the GOOD. Naturally. Nothing about it to get your knickers in a twist.

Pah! Any Paladin worth his salt would not attack an evil-ALIGNED person until they had actually done an evil deed (or about to do one). If Viconia is in your party helping with good deeds, how can he justify killing her for having different beliefs?

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp