Thread: Own game
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Old 05-28-2001, 06:18 AM   #91
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 15, 2001
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 39
Posts: 5,888
Yeah, yeah, i know, all of ya guys missed me !!! !! Well, i was pretty busy lately (had some pretty rough tests..sorry, can't help that..)
Well.. Now i'm back in the business I'll start answering questions right away. Since Earthdog is the only one bothering to ask any, his questions are the only ones i should answer.
Not allowing handguns. That would only bring trouble with it, and thus totally uncool. Furthermore: what would you do with a handgun in an ancient crypt??? I think he'll be carrying some swort of dagger or something like that. A whip would be nice, but that immediately will look like some cheap Indiana Jones ripp-off.
And I think i will let them come from this world (modern time). That would explain a lot why they were there. Plus i don't like the Medievil times, so that brings me to that conclusion.

Finally: GLAD I WOKE UP?????? Bastard! you somehow got yourself 160 posts....

In the foul darkness one figure will emerge to save the world from evil and despair.... Light flashes as his sword comes down, and thunder rolls through the sky when he points his sword up to heaven to signal his victory....People whisper his name as he walks by, evil tries to hide as they sense his presence nearby.... His name? Link......
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