Thread: Kensai/Mages
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Old 05-14-2001, 02:40 AM   #19
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: Long Beach, MS
Posts: 354
If it's a big deal about a Kensai/Mage, then why not the unchallenged fighter/magic-user of D&D? Is it bad becuase it's better? The Kensai kit fits naturally with the mage more than any other class. In the "mid-life crisis", he is unconcerned about the lack of armor during his change, it is natural for him. A kensai is intelligent and detail oriented, perhaps focusing more on the vascular anatomy of his opponent than a reckless rage. Maybe more calculating about the position of the crucial last two inches of his katana as it arcs across the now dead enemy's throat than smashing a twenty pound hammer clumsily across a breastplate. His intensity is driven into himself and his timing between the opponents blows rather than at his opponent. A kensai is unlike the other fighters in this respect.

Perhaps the calling of magic tugged at him as his Kai pulled his awareness into the supernatural conciousness around him. Maybe he only yearned to enchant the *perfect* sword. It could be that as he became older, his experience taught him that some battles could not be won by sword alone. As he achieved insight, he might see the natural flow of physical and mental surge and wane, much as those who understand the concept of Yin and Yang might.

Anyway, I like my K/M, and I think it is every bit role-playing valid as an elven fighter/mage.
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