Thread: Kensai/Mages
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Old 05-08-2001, 06:36 PM   #15

Join Date: March 29, 2001
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caled,its DND,so yes in DND all that can happen,but there are still limts

and Xod,sure you can learn magic and weild a sword,even if you are a god child,you are still human (or dwarf or whatever).But it is not possible to become that good with a sword while still get up to 8 level mage spells,and of course Imoen did theifery and mage spells,that brings us back to the Rping aspect,she could just leanred theifing while being michivious,isnt that hard,you can learn magery while doing that no prob,but kensai to becoem good as they are,myust take hours upon hours and days,they woudlnt have time too to become mages,it takes just as much time to to become a mage
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