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Old 05-06-2001, 11:44 AM   #3
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 3,537
Originally posted by Aenoroc:
I've just rescued Montaron from the Harpers -Xcar gets killed,
and recruited Jaheira again who was waiting just outside Harpers
(I removed her from the party some time back).
Jaheira immediately gets Summoned Before the Harpers and goes in.
How do I get back into Harpers? There's nobody at the door.
The door is magically locked!
Is there some key I have to get first?
Help much appreciated.
Is this the first time Jaheria leaves for the Harpers? If it is, then just have your party rest and Jaheria should show up shortly after you've rested.

Long live H22A1!!!!!
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