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Old 05-03-2001, 09:41 AM   #22

Join Date: March 21, 2001
Location: Europe
Age: 39
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Originally posted by Gd_00:
i like swashbucklers cus they can steal and they r very good fighters(for a thief)
but i like fighters the best, pure clean steel thats the best, and for fighters i usuasly take dwarves --- they r bes fighters(i think they r better that half orcs, but thats just me)
once i got roll with a monk all together 98 and thats best i got ever, but i rolled a lot
i dont know is this cheating but i never take rolls under 85-86, i just roll and roll (and pray)

Practicly no one goes with the first roll (except the die-hards) so its not cheating.

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