Thread: How it rates
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Old 04-30-2001, 03:39 PM   #9

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Yes, expect your social life to drop to zero. Expect your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife to leave you, and if you don't have one, you'll scare any potential ones away by saying "Buttkicking for goodness!!" all the time, don't be surprised either when your cat/dog/rabbit/or any other pet suddenly falls over and won't stand up again (er....when did I last feed Fluffy again?). Expect a call from your boss one of these days to tell you you're fired, because you never show up at work anymore, and when you do, it's either to use the computer in your office to check this Forum or to harass other employees with talk about turnips and the virtues of making love to a Flesh Golem. Expect your friends starting to avoid you, because when you go out to drink together you keep growling "I need a swig o' some strong Dwarven Ale".

In short, this game is addictive and very very very enjoyable. Don't worry if it seems too big at first, just do the quests one at a time and don't worry about the others that are waiting. The best part of the game is the high replayability. I'd suggest you finish the game for the first time with as little outside help (Forum, Walkthrough) as you can manage, that way, the second time through you will find a lot of new quests and other things that you hadn't discovered yet. Have fun!

Oh and just out of curiosity... The Man Who....What???

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH

Your voice is ambrosia
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